1. Paints & Adhesives
  2. Methyl Ethyl Ketone (Mek)

Methyl Ethyl Ketone (Mek)

Appearance: Colorless liquid, with a sweet and pungent odor.
Presentation: DRUM
Weight: 166 kg
SKU: 30000640

The main use is as a solvent, particularly for various coating systems, such as vinyl, adhesives, nitrocellulose and acrylic coatings; for paint removers, lacquers, varnishes, spray paints, sealants, glues, magnetic tapes, printing inks, resins, rosins, cleaning and curing solutions. It is used for wax removal in lubricating oils, metal degreasing, in the production of synthetic leathers, cling wrap, and aluminum foil, and as a chemical intermediate and catalyst.

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